FDA Food Stakeholder Call Recording: |
FDA FACT SHEET ON SAFETY DISTRIBUTING UNUSED HUMAN FOOD FOR ANIMAL FOOD USE DURING COVID-19 As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions on in-store dining, restaurants and restaurant suppliers may have surplus food that they cannot use and are looking for ways to repurpose their inventory. The preferred option is to use this food as human food and FDA has provided some regulatory flexibility for that redistribution. Another option is to send the unused food for use as animal food. Unused restaurant and grocery store food is commonly repurposed as animal food and is a valuable way to re-use food in a way that limits the impact on the environment. If you can’t redistribute the unused food for human food use, FDA has developed a new Fact Sheet on how to safely distribute it for animal food use during COVID-19. |
The Path Forward: Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Serological Test Validation and Education Efforts |
The Path Forward: Coronavirus Treatment Acceleration Program |
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: Serological Test Validation and Education Efforts |
Best Practices for Retail Food Stores, Restaurants, and Food Pick-Up and Delivery Services During the COVID 19 Pandemic |
FDA Statement: FDA steps to ensure quality of foreign products |